Problem Description:
Given a string sentence, separate the each word from given string and count the occurrence of each word in string sentence.
P.S. The program coded using Link List data structure & OOP concepts.
The Sample Input & Output of program:
Input: dil dil pakistan jaan jaan pakistan dil dil pakistan jaan jaan pakistan
dil: 4
pakistan: 4
jaan: 4
#include#include using namespace std; class node{ public: node* next; string data; public: node(string str){ data=str; next=NULL; } };class list{ node* head; public: list() { head=NULL; } void insert(string str) { if(head==NULL) head=new node(str); else { node* temp=new node(str); temp->next=head; head=temp; } } void print(){ node* temp=head; while(temp!=NULL) { cout< data< next; } } bool exist(string str) { node* temp=head; while(temp!=NULL) { if(temp->data==str) return true; temp=temp->next; } return false; } int count(string str) { int counter=0; node* temp=head; while(temp!=NULL) { if(temp->data==str) counter++; temp=temp->next; } return counter; } }; int main() { string str="dil dil pakistan jaan jaan pakistan dil dil pakistan jaan jaan pakistan"; list visited; string array[10]; int i=0; string temp; list l; stringstream ssin(str); while (ssin.good() && i < str.length()){ ssin>>temp; l.insert(temp); ++i; }; //string temp2; stringstream ssin2(str); i=0; while (ssin2.good() && i < str.length()){ ssin2>>temp; if(!visited.exist(temp)) cout<
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